The countdown is on! We are so excited to be a part of the Sound of Music Festival this year in Burlington at Spencer Smith Park. June 15-18 2023. You'll find us leading the parade on June 17 at 11am, as well as giving out popsicles at our office that morning! You can also find us all weekend long giving out treats and swag at Spencer Smith Park in our tent near the entrance! 


Until June 15, we are going to be telling you a little more about Burlington’s favourite festival and the largest FREE music festival around! 


Up first, Streetfest - entertainment for all ages! For two days, during the Sound of Music Festival, all of Brant St. from Caroline to Lakeshore will be closed to vehicle traffic to create Streetfest – a corridor to the…

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Things to do this VICTORIA DAY long weekend

It’s our first long weekend of the summer! If you are like us finding family friendly fun is a priority for long weekends like this. We’ve found some great things to do closeby that will be sure to keep the kid smiling! Happy Victoria Day long weekend!



Andrews Scenic Acres – Milton

Take the whole family for a spring farm experience at Andrews Scenic Acres. They offer walking trails, wagon rides, a playground, animal corral, a straw mountain climb and a miniature straw maze. CLICK FOR MORE.


Kaboom Fest – Milton Fairgrounds

A fun-filled weekend with fireworks, midway rides, food trucks, vendors and entertainment. Firework shows will be put on every night. Starting on May 19…

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We compile Monthly Market Stats for Burlington, Oakville Hamilton, Greater Hamilton and Burlington Condos. See the latest April update HERE!

If you have any questions about the market or any stats for your area - you can always contact us for more information. We are always here to help get you information about your neighbourhood and what your specific market looks like! 

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It’s Spring! The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, and the weather is getting warmer. For pool owners, it's also time to start thinking about opening up your pool for the season. You can definitely call up you local pool maintenance company and book an appointment, but it you want to do it yourself, here are some tips! It's not as daunting as it may seem. With a little bit of preparation and a positive attitude, you can have your pool up and running in no time.


Step 1: Gather your supplies

Before you begin, make sure you have all the necessary supplies. This may include:

  • Chemicals: You'll need to balance the pH, alkalinity, and chlorine levels in your pool before you can start swimming. Be sure to follow the instructions…

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